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Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 2:02
da vintagepen
Glad to be a member here now, just recommended by Armando and will be posting photos as soon as possible

Please accept my apologies to anyone who has bought my Idealibri book, together with all its mistakes but i am hoping to geet a translation of my books into Italian soon for every one to read and enjoy, see

Meanwhile if anyone has any really interesting safeties or Namikis (Dunhills or Pilots), please do not hesitate to contact me.

Happy Christmas to all, just off to vacation now!

Jonathan Steinberg

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 10:58
da alfredop
vintagepen ha scritto:Glad to be a member here now, just recommended by Armando and will be posting photos as soon as possible

Please accept my apologies to anyone who has bought my Idealibri book, together with all its mistakes but i am hoping to geet a translation of my books into Italian soon for every one to read and enjoy, see

Meanwhile if anyone has any really interesting safeties or Namikis (Dunhills or Pilots), please do not hesitate to contact me.

Happy Christmas to all, just off to vacation now!

Jonathan Steinberg
Hi Jonathan thak you for joining us. I'm one of the people owning your book edited by idealibri; it at least has some beautiful photos, but as from your warning it is better to not read the text.


Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 12:45
da A Dabbene
hi Jonatah:-)))) very happy see you here

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 12:48
da A Dabbene
ve lo presento è un mio amico americano grande collezionista, e mi fa piacere che abbia accettato di venire in questo forum, sarà positivo per tutti, e è molto disponibile

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 13:33
da A Dabbene
premetto.. che un po sa leggere l'italiano :-))

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 14:39
da Daniele
I'm very happy you've joined us.

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 14:42
da Irishtales
Hello Jonathan, you're welcome!
We're pleased and honored to have you here with us.
I am sure that your contribution will be really much appreciated by all of us. Please, feel free to take part in any topic you'd like to, your expertise is an enrichment for us all. Thank you for joining us on Forum!
Wish you a Happy New Year

Buongiorno Jonathan, sei il benvenuto!
Siamo lieti e onorati di averti fra noi.
Sono certa che il tuo apporto sarà molto apprezzato da tutti. Per favore, sentiti libero di intervenire in qualsiasi argomento vorrai, la tua preparazione sarà di arricchimento per tutti noi.
Grazie per esserti unito al Forum di!
Auguri di Buon Anno

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 15:43
da vintagepen
Yes, sorry again about that Alfredo. The problem with that book was that no one actually edited it!

The publisher took a load of photos from my first book and sent it to me with a disastrous text they had written, without of course any knowledge of fountain pens. I said "you cant publish this load of rubbish, it is full of hundreds of mistakes and all the photos are in the wrong places: They then said "But we arent paying you to correct them, nor will we be paying you royalties".

We then agreed that they werent to publish it. When they did, I sued and I suppose it cost them a few hundred thousand dollars to learn that they shouldnt have published it.

If you want the real book with three times as many photos, get the first book 'Fountain Pens - A Collector's Guide" which is available in numerous languages or the second book Fountain Pens Their History and Art, published by Rizzoli (Enigma books now).

As soon as there is another two day show, I will be there to see all my Italian friends again and will bring copies with me.

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 16:20
da piccardi
Hi Jonathan,

I'm very, very happy to see you here. It's also thanks to your books that I started my interest in fountain pen history!
Thanks for joining us.


Ciao Jonathan,

sono molto, molto felice di vederti qui, è anche grazie ai tuoi libri che ho inziato ad interessarmi della storia della stilografica.
Grazie per esserti unito a noi.


Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 17:39
da Alexander

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 23:23
da bandana7170
Welcome Jonathan

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 23:42
da scossa

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012, 23:55
da colex
Wellcome to Jonathan!

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: giovedì 27 dicembre 2012, 10:19
da Ottorino
Hi Jonathan, a warm welcome to the forum.

Just recommended to join forum by Armando Dabbene

Inviato: giovedì 27 dicembre 2012, 11:53
da nicola
Welcome Jonatah! We are very happy that you are here.
