Non credo sia collegata alla Parker....piobove ha scritto:Un mese fa, volendo comprare una penna "vintage" arancione, trovai sulla baia una semisconosciuta Arnold americana. Questo brand (sottomarca della Parker?).....
Richard Binder riporta che:
"(Arnold Fountain Pen Company) A pen manufacturing company located in Petersburg, Virginia. Founded in 1935 by Remmie L. Arnold, the company made cheap but competent pens and pen/pencil combos, principally lever fillers with thinly gold-plated nibs and furniture, priced from 19¢ to 89¢ and intended for sale in dime stores and discount stores. Arnold made huge numbers of pens in a broad range of eye-catching colors and patterns, at one point becoming the largest producer in the world. There also appeared a certain number of “gadget” sets comprising a fountain pen, a mechanical pencil, and a single-cell keychain flashlight. Shown below is a typical Arnold combo. Arnold made a small number of pens with gold nibs, and these pens are today very uncommon. The Arnold company survived, making ballpoint pens, until 2005."
Qualche altra notizia puoi trovarla qui: ... n-company/