La ricerca ha trovato 3 risultati

da Kawuska
giovedì 18 luglio 2013, 14:21
Forum: Storia e Produttori
Argomento: Penne stilografiche Senator
Risposte: 37
Visite : 22097

Penne stilografiche Senator

As far as I remember, this particular model of Senator was subject of a legal action of Montblanc against Senator.They accused them for making a pen resembling 149 (especially this broad ring on cap).I don't know the outcome of this case but hence these pens are relativley hard to find now, it's pos...
da Kawuska
mercoledì 17 luglio 2013, 14:27
Forum: Presentazione dei nuovi iscritti
Argomento: Cześć!
Risposte: 16
Visite : 3644


Will have to post some before I will be able to send some pictures!
da Kawuska
mercoledì 17 luglio 2013, 11:57
Forum: Presentazione dei nuovi iscritti
Argomento: Cześć!
Risposte: 16
Visite : 3644


Buongiorno tutti dal Polonia!I'am a pen collector from Poland, focused mostly on geraman pens but also strongly attracted by the beauty of italian pens.Best regards to all!

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