francoiacc ha scritto: ↑domenica 12 gennaio 2020, 17:21
Did you ever try to call them ?
Ciao Francesco,
No I did not because I do not speak Italian..I did not speak English..better my written English and I doubt that any staff member speaks fluid Spanish..
Regards, René.
Hello René, it is very sad to hear your story, Aurora is the oldest Italian manufacturer with an uninterrupted production history, for this reason is a high regarded brand in this Italian forum. I never had to resort to their service, so as I cannot help you, but I hope that someone here with a dir...
AuroraLastMail.jpg Greetings all! I am in Chile and the last April month I sent to Aurora Repair service in Torino, Italy, my Aurora 88´s flex nib point assembly to be repaired or replace it.The nib was a piece of garbage and I paid an arm and leg for this overvalue Aurora LE fountain pen. After se...